What TenereGUY has been up too


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
I went to work and a coworker was trying to convince me to buy his 2017 Super Tenere with Moose panniers and top box, Yoshimura pipe, Corbin seat/stock seat, new tires, oil just changed, 13,400 miles, touring windshield, altrider lower crash bars, puig duck bill (or whatever you call it), Yamaha winglets, Double Take mirrors. I kept saying no as I ride Honda's and I wanted an African Twin. He finally threw me a price that I thought was a very good deal at $9,000 and couldn't ignore it. So between a rain storm and an incoming snow storm while the roads were dry I went over and rode it. Hmmm, I think I should buy this... so it went on the trailer and it was snowing on it before we got it in my driveway. Been in the garage ever since. I have been reading all I can on the ST and as you know some reviews aren't favorable. But I kept reading then started reading on this forum. I have come to the conclusion that I came to when I researched the Honda NC700X and NC700XD when I wanted to find a bike for my daughters. That bike fit the bill and they both love their bikes. But the reviews which had much of the same types of conclusions... they basically trashed it. That bike is great in its niche. I am coming to the conclusion that maybe... just maybe I stumbled onto a real winner by buying this ST. It's in fine shape but as you know there's always a thing or 2 to buy for a bike. I had it for three weeks and then I put it on my lift and got the ECU out and sent that off. Should be here soon. Bought upper AltRider bars, T-Rex bash plate, Fenda Extender, switch for the ABS mod, AltRider protector for the front U-joint as I know that stock shield will catch my pants, AltRider side stand foot for soft ground, Puig headlight protector, Yamaha Shop Manual, looking right now to upgrade the front fork springs when I change fork oil. There's a couple of other things but I can't remember what they are. Oh, bought extended caps from Deftoner and Headlightrevolution.com Ultra 2.0 LED bulbs. I would have bought Tabasco's bash plate if I would have seen it first. Impressive thickness at 1/4".
Things that need doing and will be done before mid March as I have a trip to West Virginia planned last few days of March to April 2nd to test this bike out on back gravel roads and whatever else we find. I was going to swap out these tires for Motoz GPS as I do all my own tires with a NoMar tire changer.
1. Clutch fluid changed - still original
2. Brake fluid changed - changed once
3. Coolant changed - still original
4. Rear drive oil changed - maybe original
5. Fork oil changed - still original
6. Spokes inspected
7. All the above mentioned Farkles put on.
8. Couple more spare keys made just to have...
9. Speedbleeders.com speed bleeders all around and clutch too. Well worth the money.
10. I'll check the air filter but doubt it needs changing yet. K&N in it's future.
11. I'll ride it for a bit and see if any ergo changes will be needed for my 6'3" frame.
12. Quad-lock wireless waterproof phone charger added. I'm in love with those things. They are on my other traveling bikes!
13. TPMS - I can't believe that this didn't come stock with metal valve cores. T-valve cores will be replacing those when the TPMS goes on.
I look forward to working on these things and I will be sure to bring you guys along for the ride with pics and videos. I'm sure I will ask a lot of questions but I will do a search before I do! Oh, I just looked and he put Bridgestone Battle Wing BW 502 tires on this.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2016
Rib lake wi
So you shipped the computer out to get flashed before even riding the Tenere for any real distance ?
Have been considering getting mine flashed but keep worrying might not like the results.


New Member
Jan 9, 2023
Sylva, NC
Beautiful ride and sounds like you got a good deal!

I, like you, am new to the Tenere family but spent a fair amount of time on this forum prior to purchasing mine a couple of weeks ago. Mine is not as farkled as yours, but I have my eye on some of the same mods you mentioned.

Congrats on the purchase and I look forward to seeing the upcoming add on’s, as well as hearing what you think when you actually get some good seat time!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
So you shipped the computer out to get flashed before even riding the Tenere for any real distance ?
Have been considering getting mine flashed but keep worrying might not like the results.
You can always go back to stock. Anthony Corcella on this forum did it. If I want it tweaked after the initial flash then I just pay shipping. Round trip about $53.
My other rides are a CBR 1100XX Super Black Bird and a 2015 wing. Speed power torque.
If I want the extra power on the ST it will be there. If I don't then I will go easy on the throttle no downside and the engine will most likely run where the engine designers designed it to run instead of government regulators decided.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
Beautiful ride and sounds like you got a good deal!

I, like you, am new to the Tenere family but spent a fair amount of time on this forum prior to purchasing mine a couple of weeks ago. Mine is not as farkled as yours, but I have my eye on some of the same mods you mentioned.

Congrats on the purchase and I look forward to seeing the upcoming add on’s, as well as hearing what you think when you actually get some good seat time!
I will document and share the results! I'm already looking up ADV riding schools to boost my learning curve.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
Heck of a deal so congrats!
I kept saying No for two hours as he was trying to convince me at work. Then he said... I'll give you a really good friend price. No, those usually aren't that good. He threw out the $9,000... ok, I'm intrigued. Went and rode it... uh, I gotta buy this for this price. I had looked up a few on cycletrader.com and it was about 3,000 under those! That's how I figured it. It was all done and in my garage in 3 days.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Joshua TX
Congrats on the ride. Keep in mind that the flash doesn't add power, but it does add smoothness to the throttle.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
Congrats on the ride. Keep in mind that the flash doesn't add power, but it does add smoothness to the throttle.
Really? From what I read it also gives a bit more power. I'm fine with that. Smooth throttle on shaky ground is king! I rode my buddies Yamaha 1200 something and he had it in the strongest sport mode and the throttle was way to on/off for me. I didn't like it. If it was like that in sport I would want that gone. We shall see.

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The Bluegrass, KY
How difficult was it to remove the ECU?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
How difficult was it to remove the ECU?
Using the instructions that Anthony sent a link for it took about 40 to 50 minutes as I had to look at the pics and compare and I was in no hurry. I accidentally didn't follow the instructions perfectly. There is one bolt that you access from the back/inside of the fairing that is tough to get a 5 mm Allen wrench on. That probably took 15 to 20 minutes to access and get loose. It says to just loosen it. I took it all the way out. It made it really easy to get the ECU out because it made the connectors easier to grab with my big hands. But it will slow me down a bit putting it back in. It is a blind bolt... meaning: I could go to the left side of the forks and look to the right side and see it but I couldn't get a wrench on it from that side. From the right side you can feel it and get to it but trying to break it loose and get one hand on it was a bit of a conundrum. When I put it back together I will take pictures of everything if you want me to.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Joshua TX
. . . . the throttle was way to on/off for me. I didn't like it. If it was like that in sport I would want that gone. We shall see.
Yes, many here will agree with you. You will also find that the engine braking is less noticeable after the flash. Having questionable sanity, I absolutely love the OE throttle response and engine braking and I leave it in "S". :cool:


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
Yes, many here will agree with you. You will also find that the engine braking is less noticeable after the flash. Having questionable sanity, I absolutely love the OE throttle response and engine braking and I leave it in "S". :cool:
We discussed the engine braking. I use that a lot in twisty roads and going down hill in loose stuff so I asked him not to touch the engine braking. Otherwise I went with what he recommended. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow and I can put it in. Supposed to be 40F so take it for a ride!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
Well folks... I have been anxiously awaiting the ECU. I saw it arrived at the USPS center an hour away from my home in Illinois yesterday... and now it's in Salt Lake City! Really!???

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
Guess what came in today??? Let the transformation begin as I start to open up the boxes in the garage and take this bike apart and put it back together!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
So I'm learning a lot tonight. To get the tank up so I could run some wires under it I found that I had to take off my AltRider lower bars. All bolts except the right side... those I just had to loosen. That's done. I found out that if you take off the positive battery lead that the nut falls straight down! Well, I fixed that by grabbing a foam ear plug and cutting it about 3/4 of the length of it. Compress it and put it and the nut in at the same time and the ear plug acts like a soft spring so the nut is held in place. ECU went back in and that back bolt is a pain but probably in 15 minutes I had it in. I don't know how you could just loosen it and get to the bottom of the ECU to disconnect the plugs... or get them in. I finally used a strong magnet to put it back in the hole. Loosened the two bolts that keep that whole panel in place and that gave me just enough space to get a 5 mm Allen socket and ratchet in there to tighten it up. Used some long neck bent needle nose pliers to hold the plugs for the ECU and snap those right in instead of my big hands! My Headlightrevolution.com Ultra 2.0 LED bulbs came in along with Deftoner's extended caps. Took the tank up and found out that a long bungee cord going from a pannier strut up around the tank and back to another strut holds the tank up perfectly! Going to change the clutch and brake fluid and that's real easy per the manual compared to a Goldwing. Found the test plug under the seat to cycle the ABS unit. I plan on bleeding the system then cycling the ABS unit and bleed it again to ensure clean fluid. I'll be ordering speed bleeders tomorrow and a K&N air filter while I'm in here. Filter not bad for 13,400 miles. Saw where I can synch the butterflies. Everything is soooooo accessible on this bike! If I understand the directions correctly... only adjust the right cylinder and leave the left as a baseline. Got to order some new springs upfront and a Quad-lock wireless phone charger and an Optimate to put between it and the battery. I'll also be getting battery lead extensions from Electricalconnection.com so I only have one set of leads on my battery. Much neater and much less hassle when disconnecting the battery. Think I'm done for the night out here. Tomorrow is coming!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
So you see that back bolt sticking through. 5 mm sock fits it. The view from top looking through gap formed by loosening the 2 bolts holding the whole panel. Cutting the ear plug and compressing it and then the result. Long bungee holding up the tank

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2023
Three pics are of the hoses and screw that I adjust for syncing the throttle bodies. Airfilter after 13,400 miles and the plug for my heated gear. If the plug hangs down I plan on putting a wire hold stuck under the seat to hold it out of site and out of the weather. Used some fuel line as a friction/fretting shield for the wire as it's held to the metal frame. That's it for tonight!

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