Why not? Tired of name calling already?
The prob I see I that by the time FD is responding these things are already blazing and throw out white hot sparks till the point they explode. Doesn't seem like water does a thing at that point and the tactic at that point is the drag the vehicle somewhere safe to burn out.
There's been a real upsurge of apartment fires in NYC because of the lithium batteries on e bikes and scooters. 14 deaths 114 injuries last year. Numbers only brought down by a city wide push to crack down and raise awareness.
A power source that can easily turn into a bomb maybe isn't the best choice for something designed to keep passengers alive in a crash. How are crumple zones supposed to work when part of your frame is batteries?
Then you follow up your post showing another prime example of a ticking time bomb thanks to that world renound fiat quality.
Nothing to see here. Just a few people saving the planet
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