Mice..Mice.. Everywhere you look


No difficult problems, just difficult people
Mar 18, 2011
Sunbury, PA
When we bought our house a few years back, it had been vacant for about two years prior to our moving in, although it was built in 1999. The back two acres were not mowed while the property was on the market, and there were field grasses/weeds waist high about twenty feet behind the house when we moved in. There are fields all around us, and winter tracks in the snow show we have lots of visitors. I have been feeding the mice for a while now. The hardware store is almost to the point where they just put the Dcon the counter when I show up. I ran the voles out of the vicinity of the house, they were in all of the drainage. Now the survivors stay far out back, where the mower and occasional hawk and fox gets them.
The mice had stayed out of the garage, but since I have been running them out of everything else, slowly but surely, they now have decided to occupy the garage for the winter. I have used four packs of Dcon in the last month. While moving stuff around yesterday, I see where an enterprising one has collected some Dcon in a stash, to be used at a later date. As a gesture of goodwill, I supplemented his amount. Since it is so hard working, I don't want it to run out of food. I've played Cask Of Amontillado with some of their holes as well. I left them some food inside before the concrete plug, so they wouldn't starve. I should buy Dcon stock.

Slowly but surely, I am reclaiming our property from the rodents. If I had time for pets, I'd have a few. The motorcycles don't cry and snivel when left alone for a few weeks. At least not usually. Sometimes I hear the WR sniveling in the shed in winter. This year, it can stay with the Dcon in the garage.