What you did to your Tenere today??!!



Added two more PIAA's (top ones/flat pattern) and re routed some wires on the custom wiring hub I built (Denali power hub for sale!).

Wrapping up a valve clearance check @ 30k as well.
Yeah I re designed the whole lifting arm. Its a brilliant idea for working on bikes. You have to be serious about wanting one though for the price.

At some point I am going to make my own beefy design of it for personal use. The Tenere is definitely pushing the limits of the original ABBA lift, as well as other adventure bike I have had on it. A few years ago I had posted some pictures of what I did and didn't get much interest other than people cutting me down so I quit developing it. Had a lot of people that were happy with their $100 harbor freight lift and wanted to argue that I spent to much money and wasted my time....I will stop before I go into my rant....

Also made an indestructible skid plate too. Better than any of them out there....No go on the idea of selling these either, people wont pay for quality so I make cool stuff for myself, screw it.
Hi there Ossaboy, Fantastic pics of the teardown and lift modification. That's too bad a few know it all jerks have to bad mouth what you like and accomplished. I personally like your lift a lot better. It's looks to make servicing way easier than just a stand. I used to fabricate myself (years ago). I let other people and companies do it these days. And yes not many guys are willing to pay for quality anymore. I'm sure you have a bunch of serious hours building that custom plate. And I can tell just by the pics you are very detailed and know just what you want.

Two thumbs up and a thank you for posting!!


New Member
Dec 1, 2019
Syracuse, NY
Added two more PIAA's (top ones/flat pattern) and re routed some wires on the custom wiring hub I built (Denali power hub for sale!).

Wrapping up a valve clearance check @ 30k as well.
How did you handle fusing off of that Fastronix block? Thanks from a fellow CNY ST rider


Active Member
Jan 24, 2017
Wellsville NY
How did you handle fusing off of that Fastronix block? Thanks from a fellow CNY ST rider
I used some parts off the Eastern Beaver kit to fuse "hot" wired stuff that I want to be controlled with switched power or non switched, his relay is not waterproof. You can see under the seat latch bar at the top, two sealed bosch 5 pin automotive relays. Both are fused that feed switched power to the bar at the bottom where all the wires are connected.

So in total I can have switched direct(relay has fuse), switched fused, or direct.

Switched direct - Power for air pump and things like that. no need to pop the panel, I have quick disconnect feeds
Switched fused - On off switches, Heated grips, stuff like that.
Direct - Battery tender feed, has its own in line fuse on cable

The fastronics block has large blade fuse next to the battery.
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Active Member
Jan 24, 2017
Wellsville NY
I’ve got a Skylift that I use with my zx14. Id love to use it on the s10 too. Neither bike has a main stand but it’s more of a pain with the s10.

How did you modify your skylift?

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IMG-4908.jpgIMG-4909.jpglift photo.jpg

I have posted these in another discussion on here.

I just made an arm that was deeper and wider and had more lift adjustment on the lift post side.

Like I said up above, someday I m going to make one specific for all bikes that has the same design, but will lift the bike tires to eye level while standing. Its possible, I just have to get the time to do it.


Riding, farkling, riding...
2011 Site Supporter
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2014 Site Supporter
May 22, 2011
Tupelo, MS
Loaded it on a trailer for the second time in it's life. The new owner drove away with it this morning.

First time since 2002 I haven't had at least one bike. Still have the wife's GSA.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2018
WD40 should not be used for that application. Its awesome for cleaning stuff, but it draws moisture and causes rust long term.
Thanks for that Cycledude.
As I understand it, dielectric grease is used to lubricated switches that have moving parts, that is on - off for example.
The grease will lubricate a switch without interfering with the electrical application.
Help me out here, have I got this right??

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Active Member
Aug 10, 2015
Virginia-Blue Ridge Mountains
Anyone going crazy on putting dielectric grease in every connector?! And cleaning...View attachment 61555
Dielectric does not conduct electricity-Essentially insulating grease. Very small quantity on spark plug boots-prevents spark from passing through-keeps moisture out of that critical connection & aids in boot removal. Do not get any on the electrical contact points of the plug.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Joshua TX
….As I understand it, dielectric grease is used to lubricated switches that have moving parts, that is on - off for example....
I'm not going to say you're wrong. I've never used it in a switch application. I use it all the time with connections that might/will get wet to prevent water entry.