RIDE ON ADV is what I do !
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Last year I threw this out and If I remember correctly, I received ZERO responses to the post..... Well, I'll try again ! LOL Im looking to go ride the NM BDR. After the BDR, time permitting, I would like to head up to Ouray and ride a few Mountain passes.... Then start to head back "West" and possibly get hooked up to the TAT and ride this across to the East side of Oklahoma before dropping down south back to Texas.
For safety its best I go with at least one other person. Ive already ridden 3-4 BDR tracks and fully understand what is out there, so a ridding buddy is probably best.
For safety its best I go with at least one other person. Ive already ridden 3-4 BDR tracks and fully understand what is out there, so a ridding buddy is probably best.