I'm leaking fork fluid and need some help...


New Member
Mar 13, 2011
Redmond, WA
Hey you technical guru's, I'm leaking some fork fluid from dirt build up while playing in the sand...I've removed most of the dirt and reduced the bloodletting to live-able limits. But, I'd like to top off the fork fluid that I lost over the last two or three days. Can you technical types give me some instruction? I'm on the road and don't have my service manual within 3000 miles.

Your assistance is much appreciated.



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Oct 3, 2010
Idaho & OR
First thing is to pull the dust seals down and clean any debris that got by them, then take a very thin piece of plastic and wrap it around the fork tube and slide it up into the oil seal and move it around to flush out and of the grit that got into the seal to make it leak in the first place. Hopefully that will stop the leak.

You need to check to make sure your front brake pads are not contaminated with oil. If so, use some brake cleaner to remove the oil residue - just watch where the overspray goes...depending on the brand it can take paint off and discolor plastic.

That's about all you can do on the road unless you have the tools to drop the front forks, remove the caps, etc....

Each fork hold over 16oz of oil so if you are down a couple of oz that is better than possibly overfilling them and blowing out a seal.


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Mar 13, 2011
Folsom, CA
Yup, I agree with Steve completely.

Most likely, the amount of oil that has come out is small in the grand scheme if things and will not cause any harm whatsoever. It takes a much smaller amount of oil in the forks for a "lubricating" function. Fork levels, for the most part, are a function of suspension action. More air gap versus less air gap changes the handling upon compression of the fork under load or from terrain.

Leave it as Steve describes and deal with it after you're home.

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