Some of that is called "late apexing" to see better.
Yes. We call it "limit point" and Pos 1 gives earlier view and warning on approach to a right hander and vice versa
Crossing the center line, might be fine for a LEO, everyone else gets a citation for that, AND it's fooking stupid. Never, ever cross the center line on a public road unless it's an emergency. Not your space and you're not expected to be there. If you "need" to do that for safely, you're out riding your ability, the road and the conditions. And that's just at 1:39 in to the vid. 'straitening the bend... Lazy MF.
Before straightening the bend they would be using a 100% visual scan to determine that they will not cause another road user to change speed or direction as a result of their actions. Earlier observation of possible hazards leads to earlier preparation.
Unless it's an emergency? I am wondering how you ever overtake Eric?
I'd be beating him with a pipe and asking him if he wants me to 'slow down' or stop. Again, a violation of the traffic code anywhere in the US. You're not on a race track, you're on the street, and he's not running codes and in pursuit. Bad form.
Seems a little excessive.
Failure to obey a traffic control device. Those boys would be dead in a week riding like that in the US on a similar road. Some group of college kids in a tri tone (rust, primer and fading paint), Caddy would wipe them off the road. And any civilian riding like that and witnessed by a LEO would be cited for multiple violations.
This is in the UK. What traffic control device did they ignore?
2 freaking seconds A-hole! Stop tailgating the rider in front of you.
99% of the time the lead rider is in Pos 1 and the other in Pos 3.
And notice the complete lack of the following rider to maintain distance when the leading rider slows at an intersection.
They are both subject to the same observation links, therefore the following rider would be fully aware of the actions of the lead.
"Safely using all of the road" You don't get "all of the road", you get all of your lane. Different country, different rules.
Perfectly safe to use all the road if 100% safe to do so - if it is safe to overtake, it is safe to use all the road, sans vehicle.
Ride your own ride, don't follow the lead rider out into a pass.
Before they attempt an overtake they use the Thirds Rule and have a place to "Land" before they do so. I saw nothing to indicate they did otherwise.
Sloppy, lazy and poor form. Night stick to the shins and no more moto duty for you. This is the difference between training and LEO I can do what you aren't allowed to do training. If you can't stay in your own lane, you don't belong on the street. Car, bike or bicycle. All are required to follow the rules of the road. If I watched this as their boss, both riders would be on foot patrol forever. AND it would be a training video all right, on what not to do for 80% of it. Crap following distance throughout, multiple violations of vehicle code for no reason.
Are you aware that the US send their best and brightest for Roadcraft training? It is recognised worldwide by police forces.
You have 80% of your dry traction in the wet on most anything but slick tires. I rode in the rain for 40+ years almost daily. Traction isn't an issue. Got to hate those California paint lines and wide arrows though. slicker then deer guts on a door knob.
Yes, they are fully aware. UK police will always endeavour to leave 10% in reserve: accellerating, braking, cornering, etc.
There are tid bits of good stuff there. But honestly, if I was riding with those two and witnessed that riding style, I would tell them in clear terms that I would never ride with either of them again, and that they need to take some training classes and grow the hell up and learn to stay in their own lane. If they felt the need to share the lane with opposing traffic, they really should have been running codes. Illegal pass on double line.
You may well be a better rider than them, it is not impossible/improbable. However, they are extremely highly trained, where their mind goes before anything follows.
This is fine for a LEO training vid, but completely unacceptable for a public riding vid. "as a police rider making progress" is a telling statement. A large majority of that behavior would get a civilian rider cited and asked "where's the fire". I was just making progress wouldn't cut it for an answer.
I am not a particularly competent rider (except for my level of observation, etc), but if I was coaching a competent driver and they had driven in the same manner I would have no problem with it, except following distance. The Pos 1 and 3 for bikes is fine as they will brake in a straight line and not come into conflict.
I've ridden with jerks like that. You may think this is harsh, but I really don't care. That's a shit show of bad riding form.
No, I do not think it harsh. Just incorrect, given the level of their training and the different rules in the UK.