Sw Motech Pannier KeyLock came apart


New Member
May 25, 2016
Was opning my new SW Motech Trax Advneture Pannier lock. The lock cylender came out with the key and fell apart. It consist of few very small parts ( tiny springs and copper sliders ) I was lucky to find it all after a long search. I was able to put it together again after some trial and error.

There is a CIRClip holding the cylinder in place and it was a little loose. I squeezed it together with a wise so that it wont fall apart so easy again. I also put a little grease inside the cylinder.

I took the other cylinders apart to and did the same as preventive measure.

So be a little careful when opening these locks, they might just fall apart like mine did.

If you decite to dissasemble it, PLS keep the key in the cylinder while doing so. It will prevent it to all fall to pieces like mine did.