Without a plan, I was thinking I would keep going south and follow the coast. I had been in the higher elevation and temps were good but I was getting into the Sahara desert and temps were going up. I was in Boumalne, Morocco and decided to see the Marrakesh markets and decide then.
When I was at my hotel in Boumalne, there was a guy that worked for the hotel and followed me everywhere I went. He was just a foot away and was either trying to be very helpful or thought I played ball for the other team. I typically leave my S10 parked and walk around town for dinner but it was time to get on my bike and get away from the guy.
During dinner, there were the usual cats roaming.
There was no breakfast at the hotel and I didn't want to stay for any longer then pack and ride away. There is always street food most anywhere.
Travelling the smaller roads
Not much traffic. Another great thing about the S10 is the reliability when you ride for a day and see no other cars
And a repeat of the night before but without the guy following me....
HAHA, no clue where this pic was taken but it looked nice so why not add it? Everyday people in Morocco.
I'm not a pizza guy but it looked good so why not
And if you travel to other parts of the world, you will see a garbage can next to the toilet. First thing you look for when you enter your room is if the garbage has been taken out. The garbage can is for toilet paper as it will plug up their plumbing (so I've been told). If you experience a bathroom as such, remember, wipe, fold, fold, throw.
And the most important part of selecting a hotel is where my bike is parked. Yep, this will work.
The next day stopping for breakfast.