Search results

  1. ThatsLife

    Givi Trekker Outback side cases

    I did a seach before posting this and it did not return anything so forgive me if this has been posted before. I saw these on the Givi Italiano website. Not available yet but some people may be interested. No idea if they will be available in NA market or not (nothing on the USA site)...
  2. ThatsLife

    Indianapolis MotoGP? Anyone?

    Who's going? Surely I won't be the only Tenerista there. I'll be taking a lap around the GP course on Friday! ::013:: I've got two Contour cameras ready to catch all the glory of my track lap (obeying the 30mph speed limit, of course). ::019:: Hope to see some of you there!
  3. ThatsLife

    This could be cool!

    New functionality for your GoPro cameras! I have two Contour cameras but I may have to ask Santa for a GoPro this Christmas. ::016::
  4. ThatsLife

    Official card carrying member now!

    Hello to all! I've been a fly on the wall around here for some time now soaking it all in. Took the leap yesterday on the blue mean machine and could not be happier! Admittedly, I was nervous because I have only owned sport bikes for the last 10 yrs. However, all doubts were squashed soon...