* (How to DIY) Spinning the ABS pump manually without a dealers computer !


RIDE ON ADV is what I do !
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Apr 4, 2011
Ive been tinkering on Tenere's for quite sometime. For most folks including myself, spinning the pump while bleeding the brakes has never been available unless you had the Yamaha dealer computer. Ive not been aware of the ability to do this on your own without the dealers machine.

For people that don't know, If you are bleeding your brakes and get air in the pump, its really difficult to get this air out (of the pump). You need to activate the pump and "spin the pump" to help cycle the air out. I was talking with an engineer friend yesterday, I was helping him with a Tenere ABS situation ironically. During the conversation he mentioned that he can 'spin the pump' in his own shop to get the air out of the pump. I about fell out of my chair when he told me this info. Its VERY good info to STICKY this info for folks, this is extremely helpful when working on your Tenere brakes / ABS.

Ive never been aware of this procedure and I wish I had known about this info over the last ten years. This will save you TONS of time and many four letter words. I wanted to share this info with the community. Ive not had a chance to try this in the last since the call yesterday, but he has told me he has used this procedure many times and works perfectly.

Also, when flushing out your brake system this will work very well to get all the old fluid out of the pump, so you can actually change out all the fluid.

Save this info for all the garage mechanics out there !

-Up on Center stand.
-Make sure the side stand kill switch works.
-Leave it in gear.
-Make sure your battery is well charged.
-Install the test adapter (Jump top two wires, Light Blue and Black) on the ABS test plug under the seat.
-Confirm the side stand is down.
-Ignition key ON (I waited for fuel pump to stop)
-Press and hold the Starter Button for at least 4 seconds (doesn't start since it is in gear and side stand is down)
-Release the starter button.
-After releasing the starter button, pull the front brake lever and press the rear brake pedal simultaneously and continue to hold both.
-The front lever should pulsate for a few seconds, then the rear pedal will pulsate a few seconds, and then the front will pulsate again.
-Release the brakes, ignition off, put it in neutral, remove the test adapter, etc....


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Jan 6, 2011
Oceanside, CA
It does work, I've been doing this a number of years. In fact, I have a locking toggle switch under the seat so I can do it at any time.

The procedure is disscussed on page 4-70 -- 4-73 of the Gen 1 service manual. I cannot say if it is the same for later models.

It was discussed quite a bit in this thread - Link


Staff member
Global Moderator
Dec 10, 2017
bridgend, Wales, UK
isn,t this what this thread is about



Mar 24, 2014
Pacific Northwest
Ive been tinkering on Tenere's for quite sometime. For most folks including myself, spinning the pump while bleeding the brakes has never been available unless you had the Yamaha dealer computer. Ive not been aware of the ability to do this on your own without the dealers machine.

There is a sticky on this with great pics from 2017 (but these things get lost in history) https://www.yamahasupertenere.com/index.php?threads/how-to-cycle-the-abs-pump.22743/#post-320532

As craigd noted in the same thread

On 2014 and newer models the procedure is [a lot] simpler.

"Jumper the same wires. [a bent paper clip works great for this]
[key off]
Put the kill switch in the off position.
Hold front and rear brakes on [hard].
Turn on the key.
The ABS system will cycle front, rear, front.
Turn off key."
[remove jumper and reinstall rubber plugs when done]


RIDE ON ADV is what I do !
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Apr 4, 2011
You guys are great ! I had no idea we could do this.... I need to start reading more on this forum in my extra "spare time" LOL Thanks !


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
Suddenly remembered this post when bleeding my brakes today, works fantastic! Thanks!
I would add that after the cycling process, the liquid would have to be bled a couple of times, until ensuring that the liquid that the cycling process "returned" to the line, ... comes out through the bleeders.


Staff member
Global Moderator
Dec 10, 2017
bridgend, Wales, UK
I would add that after the cycling process, the liquid would have to be bled a couple of times, until ensuring that the liquid that the cycling process "returned" to the line, ... comes out through the bleeders.

bleed all 3, cycle abs, bleed all 3, done


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2014
North Carolina
I only started doing this when I flushed the brake fluid maybe a couple years ago; before that, I used to take the bike out in my gravel driveway to trigger the ABS while I was changing the fluid, because I was kind of a rockhead and didn't want to chnage the way I'd been doing the brakes for years. Once I did it the first time, I grasped that it was kind of dumb to do it my old way.

I made up a cheat sheet that I can keep under my seat for this procedure, because inevitably I'd forget the procedure in the span in between brake fluid changes. Along with the cheat sheet, I made up a jumper wire out of an electronic test lead, and I keep that in the kit with the cheat sheet.

This is my cheat sheet:

And the jumper wire I made:

And the completed kit that goes under my seat:

I would have to note that this procedure definitely works for a 2014 model, but I believe the pre-2014 has a different procedure. I don't know if it works for all the models newer than a 2014.

If anyone wants to print a copy of the document, I've attached a PDF copy.

