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  1. labradorian70

    Headlight side marker lights?

    Thanks ALL. i just find it weird they just didn't use the front signal lights instead as they light up also when key is on or bike is running(can't rememeber) cheers
  2. labradorian70

    Headlight side marker lights?

    I have a 2012 ST and always wondered what these small Aux light do. Seriously they are not bright enough for head lights, don't blink, what are their purpose. ? Sorry might be silly question, but its Item #4 below in the diagram. Thanks
  3. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    Thanks perfect thanks
  4. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    That does make sense. 1st 14, 2nd 22, then 215 degrees. cheers Thanks Glen
  5. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    Here you go...I would assume I have the correct service manual.
  6. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    Here is what the service manual shows. Makes perfect sense about torqueing it to specified torque then going so many degree afterwards. But see circled in red 215 to 225degrees & 180-190degrees ? not sure what this means. Can't be to go 180 degrees further after hitting the torque setting?
  7. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    thanks again
  8. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice with the cylinder head on the bench, install the cams. Im a little confused on the valve adjustment. There are spacers that need to be changed to adjust that... correct?
  9. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    yeah, peace of mind comes along with all new ones. But for shits and giggles I will check them all as i remove them.
  10. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    Thanks Tabasco, I have a valve compression tool i just got on amazon. ill take look at them cheers
  11. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    Thanks Oldrider. Will do this for sure. cheers
  12. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    almost all good news lol valves are leaking so they must of got slightly bent. pistons looks fine. in my mind all is good, some new valves, rebuild and ride. cheers
  13. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    i sprayed some brake cleaner down the ports and im getting some leakage. So you are saying i need to buy a drill press lol dang it i shouldn't of sold it in the divorce lol
  14. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    I just cleaned up the pistons and added new pics, they look fine. I poured some brake cleaner down the ports and unfortunately they are leaking by. at this point it looks like new valves.
  15. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    alrighty. will do that. thanks scott
  16. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    I did actually and saw some debris in there hense why i wanted to look further. But can't tell where that debris came from. It is possible it fell in there when we were doing a compression test or after i took the intake off. But I don't see anything obvious. The bike has been sitting since...
  17. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    Thanks Tabasco and Stefan UPDATE I got the cylinder head out. I drained the coolant and blocked the motor with a jack. Bike is on its centerstand. Engine side bolts came out with ease and motor is solid. Anyways here are some pics. I don't do this everyday and don't see obvious damage...
  18. labradorian70

    Hello From Ontario Canada

    THank you
  19. labradorian70

    Hello From Ontario Canada

    Yeah its shitty, But I'm glad i have the know how to dig in and fix it. I'm thinking i might put in a mechanical CCT. Thanks
  20. labradorian70

    Removing Cylinder Head advice

    Thanks GV, Im going to drain the coolant tonight and remove the headers. Once i get the cylinder head off and see what's going on, i just may have to remove the motor. I understand its easier to work on out of the bike, but I'm stubborn lol If i got piston damage ill have to pull the motor...