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    Just replaced spring!

    So Matty are you happy with the 900 lb spring? I'm 260 and was thinking of installing a 800 lb spring. I ride my bike solo with the 2 up plus luggage setting and I find the bike pathetically under sprung and can't believe Yamaha left it that way for 11 years. Thanks
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    Speed Bleeders

    So if you are changing cables and there is a lot of air in the system will there be enough pressure tp push the air out via the Speed Bleeder?
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    Speed Bleeders

    So what is so special regarding these speed bleeders? Thanks
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    Just replaced spring!

    "three spacers at the bottom two at the top"? Is that correct.
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    Just replaced spring!

    Can you share where you purchased the spring and did you need to need get different colars? What is your weight? Thanks.
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    Handlebar thread

    Ordered from Ladlessport, Thank you everyone
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    Variation on the seat mod with pictures

    Sandro's mod worked great for me, Thank you!
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    Handlebar thread

    Does anyone know where I could purchase extended brake and clutch hoses to work with bar risers? Thanks
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    Any issues re-flashing newer S10's?

    I should have been clearer. I need someone to flash my Canadian bike in the USA. Thanks
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    Any issues re-flashing newer S10's?

    Does anyone know who can flash a Canadian bikes EMU?
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    How to reset the ES Suspension

    Took it out for a short ride to the gas station and now everything works as it should. It took quite a long time to reset the trip meter also.Something is acting up periodically!
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    How to reset the ES Suspension

    My ES suspension quit working today. No error codes and the display allows for no adjustments. Any thoughts? Thank
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    WTB HD Spring Spring set Up

    I would like to purchase a HD rear spring for a 260 rider. My bike is the Electronic suspension model. I want to be able to pull the stock spring out and install the new spring with the necessary collars that are needed. Only interested in the complete swap set up. Thanks
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    WTB Front Seat Base

    Found one thanks!
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    My Re-Spring of the S10 ES Shock

    So where do we buy a stiffer spring and collars?
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    WTB Front Seat Base

    Looking for a stock front seat base for a Super Tenere to try a different foam set-up. I'm in Arizona, thanks!
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    WTB/Rent a used Speedo for 2014 and newer Super Tenere

    I have a Canadian Super Tenere that I want to leave in Arizona. The DMV says I need a USA speedo to pass inspection. I known the CDN/USA speedo are not compatible (for whatever reason) but I need to install the USA speedo to pass inspection. I don't even need to start the bike. Once I pass...
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    TracTive shock

    Are you guys buying the new shock with electronic dampening or manual preload?
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    Rear suspension spacer bushes for the modified spring

    I would take a couple of those if the price including shipment to the states is reasonable!
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    SOLD SOLD SOLD 2017 Super Tenere for sale - $12,000 - Now with more photos!

    Any chance to get the bike to west coast? It would sell here!