Search results

  1. Fennellg

    Heavy front end

    I have those tires. It’s their nature at slow speeds. Two things are going on. The are a very robust. HEAVY tire. And they have an aggressive tread pattern that concentrates contact on small tread blocks. Once rolling things return to normal as speed picks up. These are not street tires...
  2. Fennellg

    Now my turn signals don’t work!

    Unhook the battery for a few hours. While waiting check your fuses. Rehook the battery and see if problem is resolved….
  3. Fennellg

    OEM plugs for Oxford heated grips

    To me it’s half the solution. I went that route for my fog lights. It worked but needed room for expansion. Heated gear, and gps. Also wanted switched and always live circuits. Went with eastern beaver pc8. It plugs directly in that white plug. Quite literally plug and play...
  4. Fennellg

    Adaptive cruise control

    My wife’s adaptive Cruz works well. Too well it will keep adapting to slower traffic. And you have transitioned into slower speed zone. So way back when you had it set to 70. Then eventually everybody gets out of your way you are now in a 40 mph zone and your car kicks it up to 70 in a...
  5. Fennellg

    Cross threaded Spark Plug

    It is not a prominent problem. More details about the bike would be nice. Age, miles, and model. How it was stored counts. And can give you some insight to how it was cared for. A record of maintenance and repairs could also be useful.
  6. Fennellg

    Heated grips not working

    How about some pics :)
  7. Fennellg

    Super Tenere Ride of the Black Hills BDRX Spring of 2025.

    Let the games begin. The great cat herding event has officially commenced. :)
  8. Fennellg

    Super Bowl bracket

    I am good with either winning it.
  9. Fennellg

    Impressions of going from a 14ES to an 18ES

    See if they will give you the old tire. You could patch it proper from the inside. Plugs don’t bug me, but they are not for everyone. An inside patch is the gold standard. :)
  10. Fennellg

    Super Tenere Ride of the Black Hills BDRX Spring of 2025.

    I was dealing with temps in the 30 S as well as snow still on the ground all through July last year. The fire was At Big Sur late July. You could see your breath. We lingered and had extra coffee at a delightful restaurant.
  11. Fennellg

    Super Tenere Ride of the Black Hills BDRX Spring of 2025.

    Well it’s good to serve a purpose even if unwittingly. Stock tire is no Bueno. :)
  12. Fennellg

    Super Tenere Ride of the Black Hills BDRX Spring of 2025.

    Well I have been working on a trip this year. Sounds perfect. Looking for dates and meet up location. :)
  13. Fennellg

    Impressions of going from a 14ES to an 18ES

    Well Drif10 if I have googled right that’s about 130,000 miles. Pretty good, impressive actually. My 2015 has 42,000 miles. But I have been looking. There are 3 contenders. Africa Twin, GS, and Gold Wing. All DCT. The BMW uses a simpler computer controlled single clutch I think...
  14. Fennellg


    4K my TV and eyes thank you. :). Great video.
  15. Fennellg

    UPDATE-Forum Security

    Dystopian stories are popular in movies and politics these days. :)
  16. Fennellg

    UPDATE-Forum Security

  17. Fennellg

    NEED ADVICE: Winter Jacket for Big Guy

    First gear is also a good value. They are roomy. I have one. You could go with an airbag vest and regular clothes or one of those Kevlar lined jacket shirt things. The vest are adjustable. Had to reduce mine.
  18. Fennellg

    NEED ADVICE: Winter Jacket for Big Guy

    I have traveled down your road. Reversed diabetes and on no medication. My advise is to go with cheap jackets. Tour master is good. I still use some of their jackets. Your size is going to continue to change. Smaller I would hope. Winter jackets are easier because you can add layers to...
  19. Fennellg

    IS ABS Module is a weak spot of this bike

    Flush it & cycle it once in a while and hope for the best. These things can be repaired but at some point the bike jumps the shark. Once confidence / trust in a bike or car is lost game over. The owner will change horses. Made a good living when that moment arrived. :)