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  1. Synk

    3D model for handbar

    winter is coming...If someone needs better protection for their hands against cold and especially against rain, I recommend:
  2. Synk

    Some 3d printed mods for first Gen s10

    My projects (digital models): (you can also buy printout from Deftoner)...
  3. Synk

    3D model for handbar

  4. Synk

    Handlebar difference

    in my 2010 is made from steel, what about second generation? Aluminium?
  5. Synk

    Handlebar difference

    What is a difference between first (23P-26111-00-00 ) and second edition handlebar (2BS-26111-00 )?
  6. Synk

    where did you TAKE your Tenere today?

    Montenegro. Europe.
  7. Synk

    Partzilla - long delivery time

    So...surprice. My parts from Partzilla delivered. The delivery time has been significantly reduced, but still on the website of the store it shows 24 hours: P Now repacking and traveling by ship to Europe
  8. Synk

    Partzilla - long delivery time

    My delivery address is my friend's house in the USA, Arizona. It is not fair to say that it is in stock - and yet it is not.
  9. Synk

    Partzilla - long delivery time

    Have any of you had a problem with the purchase at Partzilla? I ordered a part that is available in the online store immediately, with delivery within 24 hours. After paying, I have the shipping promised on March 17th. This is a f***ing joke.
  10. Synk

    What you did to your Tenere today??!!

    First one, you need phone application Street View and log into it (by google account). At the bottom of the application (on screen) you have a button for taking 3D photos. Take this photo, then select it for publication. After publication, it takes a few days for verification. It's worth setting...
  11. Synk

    What you did to your Tenere today??!!

    You need check Chinesse Ali. TankPad
  12. Synk

    What you did to your Tenere today??!!

    My Tenere is on Google map (3D), these are photos from a week ago. Google maps 1 google maps 2 google maps 3
  13. Synk

    where did you TAKE your Tenere today?

    Florida guy met on Transalpine
  14. Synk

    where did you TAKE your Tenere today?

    Romania, Transalpina Romania, Transfagaraszan fanpage ToTheHorizonPL
  15. Synk

    3DPrinted Extended Hand Guards for the S10! (New clear post)

    New design made. Information for people, who bought 1'st generation -1st generation modification with 2 pins
  16. Synk

    Hand Guard Extensions - 3D printing

    I hear that the handguard extensions sometimes fly off. After discussions with Polish colleagues, a simple solution emerged. No glue needed, and the extensions can still be dismantled. The idea is that on the edge of the sheath, on the lower lip, 2 holes need to be made, 3mm from the edge (or...
  17. Synk

    What you did to your Tenere today??!!

    Hi. Yes, it is a replacement to the stock knob on the rear shock. The steel insert is a reinforcement, because the mounting in the original knob is often damaged. On the picture - final version after 3D printing. and damaged, original one. If it is damaged, turning the knob does not change the...
  18. Synk

    favourite pic of your bike:-)

    Romania, 2019 year
  19. Synk

    What you did to your Tenere today??!!

    Knob small regeneration. I made insert dia 15x5, with hole - according drawing. I made a socket in the original knob, and with the help of glue, I placed a push-in sleeve in it. Next step: new knob already prints from ASA, once the seat of the sleeve.
  20. Synk

    What you did to your Tenere today??!!

    Led lamps and new cover installed. Cover - my own project, printed from ASA.