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  • A little help please...I sold my ST last week and deleted my posts. I would like to delete my account. How do I do that? Thanks, Jerry
    I looked, and I don't think I have the tools to remove your account either. Let me check and see if there is some hidden tool somewhere.
    Sorry, I've been on the road from Vegas to Orlando. Unfortunately, I don't have my Tenere anymore, sold it a few years back. Not only that, the person I sold it to posted it for sale again here just a few months ago!

    I can pin the thread to the top of the forum, I'm still learning the new software, so not sure if I can pin it on the front page, but I'll look into it.

    When I did the Ouray event, I think I had 95 on the books, and about 150'ish actually showed up. I remember you there, you know :)

    Anyhow, your thoughts ?

    Thanks ~ Jaxon
    I've basically given up looking for it and just read it 'IF' it comes up in 'what's new'.... Can you guys make like a banner to promote or talk about this ? So many other forums do this to promote the group, friends, and 'THE' ride. Any how, just an idea... I don't think its going to gain much traction at all with out it being talked about each day. Other wise 10 guys are going to show up.
    I pretty much stop by the forum about everyday and don't often see that 'Ride' posted or even talked about. I have a feeling its going to die on the vine. I don't know if you guys can or have any interest but I think we need to move this to the front page. You don't have to go look for it and search every time you want to see that post. For me, I'm not a computer guy, and its a DRAG trying to find it.
    Hello my friend !

    Its good to see that you still have your Tenere. LOL It seems that so many folks are selling the original. From the original crew. LOL

    Just wanted to toss out an idea, As you know I've hosted a few Tenere "rallies" around the country. I would like to take part this summer being talked about in Ouray.
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