Weapons - What you have (NOT a political discussion)


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Joshua TX
My opinion: factual questions about points of law probably aren't really the issue. But, fac191 is absolutely correct about very strong views for/against firearms. And, there have been discussions (elsewhere) that started out factual, by swirled out of control into opinions, and screaming matches. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2013
La Habra, CA
Plus so many variations from one state to another that it's a giant headache to sort out

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2017
San Diego, CA
Two of my favorites from the gun safe. First is the Springfield M1 Garand. Such an iconic rifle, watch any WWII movie and you'll see the GI's carrying these. Can't miss the distinctive "ping" when the en bloc clip is ejected. You learn quickly how to keep from smashing your thumb while inserting a new one.

1903A3 bolt action, also WWII era. I can't believe how many guns I have been gifted over the years, this is one of them. I was going through some rough times in my life and my buddy invited me to hang out with him for a long weekend in AZ. I rode my Yamaha YZF600R out to the Tucson area and we BBQ'ed, drank some beers, went shooting and all that sort of stuff. At the end of the weekend he asked me if I wanted this rifle. WHAT??!! I bought a soft guitar case, was able to put the gun in it and stuff my clothing and toiletries around it to resemble a musical instrument (The barrel was a few inches out the end, with a T-shirt wrapped around it) and strapped it across the back seat. I had one person ask me about my guitar at a gas station, but nobody was any the wiser about the rifle.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Joshua TX
I have an M1-D, and I've fired the 1903. I knew a guy that had an unbelievable collection. TWO B.A.Rs, several M1s, M1As, 1903s, and at least one .303 Enfield, to name but a few. He sold us the M1-D (sniper version), and two M1As. . . . for $10/ea. They won't be leaving the family.
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WOWEE!! Some of you have some serious nice weapons!! Even in the 90's you would have been hard pressed to see this quality at a gun show. The popular items back then were the 18 capacity clips. I had at least a half dozen of them for my P89. Are the high capacity clips legal in any of the states?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Joshua TX
Once again, it's Texas. . . . my buddy has some 90rd (.223/5.56) mags. He doesn't like them much, too much miss-feeding. He also has some 60rd versions. Likes them, works just like the 30rd OE mags. 100% legal. Here anyway. I've heard there are states that prohibit anything over 5rd mags.

My Colt M-4 was manufactured back when the Brady Bill was in effect. "For Law Enforcement & Military Use Only" is stamped into the lower. No longer in effect, but shows it's age. With the help of the chrome lined barrel, it's still groups like new.


Ungenear to broked stuff
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Mar 7, 2011
Damascus, MD
My Dad built a 1903 A3 into a deer rifle when I was a boy and helping him is one of my great Dad/son memories. We cut the stock from a slab and finished the wood, turned the barrel on the big old Bridgeport lathe in the basement (from Grandpa's machine shop), re-blued it, worked the trigger assembly, you name it, we did it, and it came out a show piece. He used it mostly for target shooting and I used it as my deer rifle after Dad died. It brought home a lot of meat till I gave up hunting years ago and then it got my son into target competition and reloading. My son has moved up in precision so the old Remington is pretty much a family heirloom now that we share memories about and I can hear my Dad's voice when I think about the thing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
SE Michigan
An FN FAL I regret selling to a friend.


And a crazy 10/22 I built - Clark Custom and Volquartzen everything, aside from the Hogue fluted .920 barrel and the bare Ruger receiver. I would snipe empty 22 short shell casings lined up at 50 yards with good ammo.

GB Hunter.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2019
North Hampshire UK
I would rather these gun threads were put somewhere that I don’t see them. They raise so many questions that appear to be forbidden to ask. I find it quite insulting that the forum appears to have a section to which I cannot ask questions (Surely that’s the point of forums) and appears only to be accessible to a certain group of people. Why so frightened of questions?

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Ungenear to broked stuff
Staff member
Global Moderator
2011 Site Supporter
Mar 7, 2011
Damascus, MD
I have read the first post in this thread. Essentially it says that nobody can post anything that does not pander to the views of the OP. Oh, that OP has the power to delete the post, and has made that clear.

My post is not contra to that CW, so please remove your trigger-happy finger from the delete button.

If there are gun forums available for the bang-bang-bangers to easily find by googling please go there instead of tainting this forum with a thread designed from the outset with the intention to divide the members. Please don't deny that last point. Your original post featured a preamble acknowledging it. Why is gun worship some sanctified safe zone on this motorcycle forum? That point is not in violation of the forum rules.

This thread is in poor taste, irrespective of anything political.

Oh, and this post of mine violates neither the rules of the forum nor the rights of the gun-happy. Bang-bang-bang
Thanks to you, MattR, and others for expressing your opinion in a non-inflammatory way and there have also been PMs asking for the thread to be deleted.
Personally I don't care if we have the thread or not. On the one hand, it is tempting to simply say that you don't need to click on this thread, so just move along, same as in ADVRider. At the same time, we are a small forum and this is a tangent that people have strong feelings about.

There's been enough objection that the future of this thread is up to you folks by how you answer the poll just created. It'll be open for a week.
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I say keep the thread. It's obvious that a few want to just stir the pot with lame comments. I had my day of owning a decent collection of weapons. Now I enjoy seeing what others have. As an added bonus I don't have to slog my way through protesters at a gun show anymore. I figure for those that don't like it don't look.

These are some very nice collections and some are very unusual oddities. Thank you guys.....